Monday, October 18, 2010

World Record for Global Handwashing Day!

Last Friday, our partner in Nairobi, IkoToilets worked to gather huge numbers of students to participate in Global Handwashing Day.  Over 19,000 students came together to wash their hands.  Handwashing is essential to combat disease for all of us.  In  developing countries there is a provide to supply handwashing stations at schools with soap and water.  Schools also are educating youth about the need to wash hands and hopefully the lesson will go home with children to their families.  Education can change behavior!  Take a look at the youtube video celebrating the day in Nairobi.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive work you are doing H20 For Life. Its through good information and good education that the young can benefit in eradicating some of these causes of medical and social problems in the society and in the third world countries as a whole.

    Two Thumbs up for the World Record for Global Hand washing Day!

    Clean Hands Save Life
